The best face creams for acne treatment and prevention 

The best face creams for acne treatment and prevention 

creams Facial pimples differ according to the type of pimples and skin type. There are types that treat acne, and there are types that treat pimples and pimples on oily skin. Quick-acting face pimple creams are available. To be used in the treatment of many skin problems, it has an exfoliating and healing effect as well. In cases of acne, the doctor is the one who determines the type of cream used for treatment or prevention and protection. 

The best cream to remove pimples from the face and its effects 

There are many types of pimples and pimples that need a quick, effective and safe treatment at the same time, in addition to acne, there are blackheads, whiteheads, and there are also small red pimples, or inflamed acne with pus, And nodular acne, and cystic acne, so the treatment varies according to the type of skin and according to the type of pills, so whoever determines the type of cream is the doctor, and the doctor always advises the treatment by prescribing capsules For the treatment of acne, in addition to some topical creams that contain an antibiotic, a lotion that suits the skin and reduces sebum secretions, with advice to take vitamins tablets that are beneficial for the skin as well, and in some cases it may be necessary to dispense antibiotic tablets . 


  • A fast-absorbing acretin cream prevents clogged pores, protects the deep layers of the skin from infection, and opens spots and pigmentation. It is also effective in improving wrinkles, treating acne, and peeling the skin 
  • . Differin cream contains 1% of the active substance, adapalene, which is effective in treating blackheads and prevents clogging of skin pores. It is also effective In the elimination of skin pigmentation,
  • Acne Free cream contains 5% tretinoin, which is quickly absorbed, treats acne, helps open skin pores, exfoliates the skin, and gets rid of dark spots.
  • La Roche-Posay cream is distinguished by its non-greasy formula that is easily absorbed by the skin. It does not contain parabens 
  • . Bioderma. It contains alpha hydroxy acids that help clear the skin and its purity. It also contains salicylic acid, which exfoliates the skin, and lemon acid, which thoroughly cleanses the skin.used to treat acne. Bioderma cream regulates sebum secretions on the skin

. These types of creams are considered one of the best Facial pills are available at Adam Pharmacy, with the possibility of obtaining pharmaceutical advice for treatment and care of the highest quality through our website, easily and professionally.


Cream for red pimples on the face Red pimples

form on the skin due to the accumulation of fats that cause clogging of the skin. Redness in the skin and face is caused by hormonal changes in the body, or the occurrence of a bacterial or viral infection on the skin, as well as the problem of excessive sweating, or due to the accumulation of dirt, lack of continuous cleaning, and failure to follow a deep cleansing routine for the skin.


A fast-acting acne removal 

  • cream. Acretin cream is one of the best fast-acting acne creams.
  •  Differin cream, fast-acting in getting rid of acne and peeling, 
  • Retin-A cream, including cream and gel
  •  , Acne-Free cream for treatment Pigmentation, acne, and clogged pores
  •  . La Roche Cream, exfoliating and treating acne, spots, and pigmentation. Bioderma
  •  Fucidin Cream
  •  . It is an antibiotic cream that eliminates bacteria and microbes that cause acne.
  •  Cream Fast-absorbing Fucibact contains fusidic acid, which is effective in treating acne quickly and eliminates bacteria and germs.

The best cream to remove the effects of acne for oily skin, 

in addition to using acne cream for oily skin to treat acne, but there is another problem of the most important problems of oily skin, which is the effects of acne. Skin types that are exposed to problems of acne, pimples, spots and pigmentation, and oily skin in particular needs a special care and treatment routine to get rid of these effects, which may be brown spots darker than the color of the skin. There are many types recommended by doctors, most of which are Exfoliating and lightening skin tone, including: Fade Out cream, which is characterized by speed in giving results, Avalon cream, Beauty and Shine cream, and Derma White cream, which is one of the best products for acne cream and skin lightening, and one of the best acne creams for the face.


Tips to prevent acne 

  • Taking care of skin hygiene with the appropriate lotion
  •  Interesting in treating the skin and making the oils balanced by using toner, scrub and care products that suit it
  •   Using a routine for oily skin and maintaining its application 
  •  of treating the grains as soon as they appear
  •  Not to tamper with the grains or open them in any way The
  •  necessity of using an anti-ointment Vital, in order to reduce inflammation and prevent the presence of bacteria that cause infection 
  • . Take care of the skin exfoliation routine for deep cleaning, getting rid of dead skin cells, opening the pores, and not allowing the fat to grow bacteria that lead to the occurrence of pus, inflammation and skin irritation.

Types of face pimple cream for pregnant women 

The types of face pimple creams for pregnant women must be safe types that do not contain chemicals and do not cause skin irritation or sensitivity because we know that the pregnant woman must use safe products because everything she uses will reach the fetus, and the pregnant woman is exposed to the appearance of pimples The face because of the pregnancy hormones themselves and because of the hormonal imbalance, and the doctor advises her to suit her skin type in terms of facial pill creams that can be used during pregnancy, provided that she refrains from using antibiotics except for extreme necessity and under the doctor’s supervision, and she can postpone her treatment until after childbirth because antibiotics and cortisones It may harm the fetus, and there are some safe types that can be used, such as: benzoyl peroxide cream and some safe moisturizers that consist of natural materials free of perfumes and alcohol.

Children's face acne cream 

Creams for children's face acne vary according to the type of skin and the type of acne that the child suffers from. Children suffer from the appearance of small red pimples, which are called chamomiles, and they are small red pimples that spread all over the child's body because of the high temperature or because of wearing some clothes Non-cotton ones that contain polyester. Care must be taken to clean the child's skin well with lukewarm water and the use of non-chemical baby soap. It is recommended to use Fucicort cream, which is the best treatment for small grains that children are exposed to due to high temperature or because of diapers. It is advised to keep the child's body clean and dry. His skin after bathing, and you should not mess with pimples or work on friction, and avoid using perfumes, oils, and scented creams.


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Skin pimples, their different types, and the best treatment methods 


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